Dec 30, 20171 min

Barack Obama and Chance the Rapper Unite to Drop Nation's Largest Rick Roll

Updated: Aug 3, 2019

The Impotent Satyr

"This'll never get old."

Back in 2015 then-president Obama launched the non-profit My Brother's Keeper Alliance that works on "improving early childhood education, keeping black and Latino boys out of the criminal justice system, and on preparing young men to be more successful when entering the workforce." Today the website,, lists 6 principles within their code.

While scrolling down through those principles, just before the final tenet, the screen immediately loads Rick Astley's iconic 1987 hit "Never Gonna Give You Up". The English trench-coat wearing baritone proceeds to dance to some swingin' 80s synth and, oh yes, you've been Rick-rolled.

Obama, who is enjoying civilian life far too much, apparently, now lives to troll the country he once lead. It's a bittersweet nudge from the former commander in chief who's using Astley's tender vocals to let us know that we'll always be in his heart.

#Rickrolled #rickroll #obamaandchancetherapper #imbkorg #mybrotherskeeper
